Monday, May 14

Sumo Wedge

Wedges. There is not a bodyboarder on this planet that can honestly say that they do not like surfing them. They as much fun as strapping firecrackers to your old toys and watching them explode into millions of pieces. I'm talking to much fun and when a NEW wedge shows up on your front door, you go mental. What? Did I say a new wedge? Hellz yeah I did!

The past weekend saw a drunken Japanese skipper ,strategically, park his 50m long fishing trawler on the part of Clifton beach that has a bit of a shore break. This calculation resulted in waves breaking against the hull of the boat and being redirected away from the vessel in a pleasing display that can only be described as "wedging".

When I walked onto Clifton beach on Saturday to bear witness to the fishing trawler that had beached itself, the 1st thought I had was "potential wedge" and after sitting there for a good hour, I saw 3 waves do exactly what world class wedges do, Go nuts! My prediction, based on the idea that that boat is not going anywhere, is that the wave will start showing its true ability in a few weeks, as the sandbar needs to even out and such. But based on what I saw this past weekend, the future looks very good. Oh and I think it should be called Sumo Wedge because, whats more Japanese than a Sumo Wrestler?

P.S the minute Sumo Wedge starts producing, I will be sure to obtain footage and share it with my followers....

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